
Friday, 22 March 2013

Oh Dear Cyprus

Obviously as a paper boy I manage to keep up to date with current affairs, one of those being the issue with the Cypriot banks. Just to fill you in, Angela Merkel has offered Cyrus a few billion so long as The Cyriot government take 6.75% out of everybody's bank accounts. And to top it all, the guy in charge of all of this is called Panicos.

On many levels this is wrong. And I have got quite angry and very involved in it. Not only are they taking money out of people's bank accounts, but they have closed all the banks so that people can't withdraw their money and gide underneath their matress.

To me it strikes to be just as bad if not worse, as 3rd world countries being denied aid and support where it is needs because there is a load of african prime ministers driving about in Rolls Royces with fancy palaces. But it is worse because ths is happenng in the Eurozone, our own continent is robbing innocent people of their money. And all because of the overuling German economy.

I can understand the uproar. People are being told they can't access their money and the government are going to pinch some of it while they can't even touch it. And not only that but people who have moved out their from other countries, and not only that but people serving for British forces have their money seized as well.

I think this is just another prime example of how big powers such as Germany bully little and vulnerable countries in the EU. And I think it is a very good reason for the UK to have out.

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