
Wednesday, 17 July 2013

Setting Up An Internet Radio: Part 3 - Where To Get Music From

This post is going to be about where you can get all the music you want to play from, and my advice gathered from experiences that I have had.

The thing with music on all radio stations, is that they don't play that much music at all. If you look at the Radio 1 playlist, they only have about 40 songs that they play throughout an entire week. The thing with this is that the more songs big radio stations play, the more money they have to pay out in royalties. We have a benefit as a smaller radio station that we are able to play any music without having to pay any royalties, so long as no money is made off of the radio station. The best thing about this is we can pretty much play whatever music we want.

However, whilst this allows us such a great range of music to play, we end up with a difficult situation where we have to find lots of music to play. I will give you one tip: the more people's iTunes libraries you converge, the amount of songs you have grows exponentially. Between 5 of us, we have gained a total of 20,000 songs on our playlist. The thing to remember is that these days we have such a great resource of YouTube at our fingertips. While a large amount of our music came from different people's iTunes, another large part of the music came from youtube. This is something that must be done in advance, but the best thing to do is to download a free youtube to mp3 converter. This will take the video on youtube and make it into an mp3 file, which means that songs on youtube can be immediately taken and created into an audio track. 2 things to remember with this: Always test your tunes before you play them on air, as I can't tell you the amount of times I have queued up a song on the radio and it has ended up not having converted properly; and secondly always proof check the songs you download. A large amount of our songs ripped off of youtube have other DJs at the start and end, as well as not being a censored as I would have liked them to be. This is a big thing with music these days, there is way too many swear words in them and always search for the radio edit.

So there you go. Use youtube to your advantage and let time pass, you think of songs you want to play and new songs come out, keep up to date with the charts, and soon enough you have an iTunes Library with over 30,000 songs on it that you never even knew was possible. 

Thanks for reading!

Follow me on twitter: @peachy146

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